Well, with four posts in four months, I'd say I am off to a great start. Today is the day I begin my forty hour un-work week. For someone that's unemployed, its hard to stay employed for all of those hours.
So, I set the foundation for building the track I will take to getting a ticket to success. A few weeks ago I started a 'Google Group,' with the intention of getting creative with my closest friends. So I invited the whole crew. The brothers' Sulvinsk and some other campers for their fun-employment support, the college roommate - because every great team needs a superstar, the girlfriend- because I felt obligated (just kidding Linds), and some other dudes that would whine and cry if they ever over-tipped a delivery boy by accident.
The first wave of interest has DEFINITELY subsided, and it really feels like I'm talking to myself. I tried to muster some interest in making an entry for the World Short Film Fest and got one response involving a mock-umentry about pop-cultures newest shortcoming - the hipster. Enlightening, but the idea stood alone amongst a group of seven dudes.
So, today - I start following 'FUNEMPLOYEDGUY' on Twitter, to stoke my inner fire. Day 1, grow beard. I'm going to continue pestering every employer (real or not) to notice me. So, today, Monday - I am applying for as many jobs as I can in 8 hours, as well as posting on my blaGH, growing my beard, answering my girlfriends texts, and probably taking breaks-just like on a regular non un-work day.